Certificate III in Education Support  

Produce word processed documents / Create simple documents




This unit of work incorporates the required skill and understandings from two units of competency: BSBWRT301A - Create simple documents and BSBITU201 Produce word processed documents..

This unit of work requires you to gain and use the knowledge and skills necessary for you to produce documents to a business standard. As a worker in an educational institution there is an expectation that you will demonstrate strong literacy skills in your daily work activities as well has constructing a range of business style documents. These documents may relate to the school's routine operation (e.g. business reports, timetables, newsletters, etc.) or be related to the student learning programs you are involved in (e.g. detailed reports of students' progress, learning programs, etc.).

This unit has three parts:


The writing process

Consisting of two learning objects and some websites this part is focused on your literacy skills and developing these to a level that is considered appropriate for the type of work an education support worker undertakes.


Underpinning skills: Use of software applications

This section is for those participants that need to ensure that they are competent in the use of the three software applications used in this unit. All participants should visit it and check that they have the skills necessary to use the software to the standard required.


Produce Business Documents' Learning Object

The final element where participants work through the process and skills necessary to produce business documents. Note: You are only to the the word processing elements. Do not do the spreadsheet sections.

The writing process

In constructing documents at this level a common process of construction should be evident:









If you need assistance with the writing process, the following websites provide advice and support on the each of the stages of the writing process.

ABC's of Writing (http://www.angelfire.com/wi/writingprocess/)

The Writing Process (http://web.mit.edu/writing/Writing_Process/writingprocess.html)

The first part of this unit provides assistance in refining your writing skills. As an education support worker or tutor, it is vital that you are able to clearly express your self in both written and oral language.

The first section of the unit makes use of two learning objects; you may have already worked through the second object in an earlier unit. Your teacher will provide you with direction in this unit.

Learning Object 1

You are to work through the learning object, Write it right.

Write it Right

This digital learning activity will provide you with a way of testing and expanding your knowledge and understanding of basic writing skills.

Learning Object 2

This learning object looks at how to write letters though the same processes shold be employed when writing reports or assignments.

You are to work through the learning object, Writing Letters.

Underpinning skills: Use of software applications

There is an expectation as you start this unit that you are competent to a base level in the software applications associated with word processing, presentations, and spreadsheets. If you need further work developing your skills in these areas, then please work through the Underpinning Skills section first.

Produce Business Documents' Learning Object

If you are comfortable that you are able to word process and use spreadsheets to a sound level, then progress straight to the Learning Object.

This unit makes use of a learning object during which you will compile a portfolio. Your teacher is to receive the portfolio as an emailed zipped file when you feel you have completed the task.



Dictionary (http://dictionary.reference.com/)

Your Dictionary and Thesaurus (http://dictionary.reference.com/)

Guide to Grammar and Writing (http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/)

Business Documents


© 2010 AADESTraining

  Ver. 2-1 November 2010