1. Developmental Domains

2. Curriculum Framework

3. Physical Domain

4. Social/Emotional Domain

5. Cognitive Domain

6. Language Domain

7. Developmental Theories

8. Implications




Attention is concentrated direction of the mind. 'It refers to engagement in the perceptual, cognitive and motor activities associated with performing skills.' (Magill, 1998: 102)


Closed Motor Skill thico-ordinations occurs when a skill is performed in a stable or predictable environment.


Continuous Motor Skills Swimming is an example of a continuous motor skill as it requires the individual to repeatedly use the same movements.


Coordination this refers to a persons organization of the muscles of the body so that the goal of the skill being performed can be accomplished. The more coordination a person has, the more likely they are able to achieve a complex action. (Magill, 1998:12)


Discrete Motor Skills these skills have a definite beginning and end. Discrete skills include turning on the kettle, threading a needle etc.


Fine Motor Skills These skills are the binary opposite of gross motor skills; they require greater control of the small muscles and greater precision. Handwriting, typing, drawing etc.


Gross Motor skills involve the use of large and numerous muscles and do not require as much movement precision as fine motor skills do. Included in this category are actions such as walking, jumping and throwing.


Manipulation movement of the hands


Motor Behavior this area of study is directed towards the principles of human skilled movement generated at a behavioral level of analyses. (Schmidt et al, 1999:416)


Motor Control is the study of the neurophysiological factors that affect human movement


Motor Development in this field, researchers deal with the changes in motor behavior occurring as a result of growth, maturation and experience.


Motor Learning is concerned with the continual process of extending chalderns initial concepts of movement.


Open Motor Skill this is the opposite to a closed motor skill; it occurs when a skill is performed in a non-stable environment, where the object or context changes during the performance of the skill. An example is driving a car.


Performance this occurs after the learner translation and involves carrying out the specific skill.


Proximodistal Rule the development of movement ability from the points close to the center of the body to the extreme points.


Serial Motor skills When a few discrete motor skills are put together in a series or sequence a serial motor skill occurs. For instance, playing the piano uses serial motor skills as the pianist needs to strike specific keys for a certain period of time in a particular order.