Certificate III in Education Support  

Support the development of reading skills




Emerging readers

There are a range of handouts in this section and you are expected to read and consider each part. You will have a choice of activities to complete after you have independently worked through the handouts.

Remember to use your discussion board or email to access the shared knowledge of your group if you do not understand a section or need to ask a question. Your teacher is also available and will provide 'lead' questions in the discussion board for you to respond to.

Boy reading


Handouts: Supporting readers
  Ways of Responding to Text
  Word Matching
  Yes, No, Why Strategy



Select one of the strategies from the Word matching handout and trial it with an emerging reader. At the end of the activity, record how the student solved the matching exercise in note form. Share your notes with your teacher.


Supporting emergent readers and writers

Constructing word meanings: Strategies and perceptions of four middle school learners

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© 2010 AADES Training

  Ver. 1-1 January 2010