Certificate III in Education Support  

Contribute to health and safety processes




This unit covers the competency related to demonstrating health and safety procedures in order to ensure a safe education workplace. It includes participating in workplace safety arrangements and following workplace safety procedures.

Learning Materials:

Health and Safety Workbook 1-4 (1.5 Mb)

This unit is supported by the self paced workbook, Health and Safety.

You are required to download this workbook, use it as a study guide. Throughout the workbook there are various tasks you are to work on and then send requested work to your teacher/assessor.

To be competent in this unit you must also gain a First Aid Certificate. Your teacher will be able to direct where and how you might undetake this requirement.

Injured Staff Member


The following resources provide you witjh additional reference materials, work activities, support documents and alternative ways of understanding the topic.


Australia Safety and Compensation Council

Australian National Health Strategy 2002 - 2012

Ergonomics in Australia

General Workstation Ergonomics

Ergonomic Resources

Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS) New Zealand site

Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS) Australian site

Department of Education and Children's Services Policies/Guidelines

OHS&W Manual General Guidelines

The manual provides guidelines to meet the requirements of the relevant legislation and details the minimum occupational health and safety workplace standards to be achieved in educational facilities.

Steps in employee health support planning

A document outling the steps in managing the health of DECS employees.

Steps in resolving a health and safety issue

A document outling the steps in to m anage health and safety issues within DECS workplaces.

Other Interesting Sites


Analphylaxis refers to severe allergic reactions experienced by individuals. Here is an example of a set of Anaphylaxis Guidelines for a public school system.

Manual Handling of Students

This policy and procedure details options to reduce the risk of injury to staff performing manual handling tasks associated with assisting movement impaired students or other students requiring physical assistance to access the curriculum or perform daily living tasks. This procedure does not cover to the use of student restraint for the management of behaviour.


© 2010 AADES Training

  Ver. 1-1 January 2010