1. Developmental Domains

2. Curriculum Framework

3. Physical Domain

4. Social/Emotional Domain

5. Cognitive Domain

6. Language Domain

7. Developmental Theories

8. Inclusivity

9. Summary

10. Glossary

5. Cognitive Domain

A person's cognitive or intellectual development is influenced by their genetic background and by the environment in which they grow. 

Initially, very young children learn through their senses before they gradually start to develop their imagination, memory and logic.

As they grow young people learn to predict, experiment and test how their actions affect their world.  They move through stages of development in predictable ways but at rates and stages unique to each individual.

Cognitive development refers to how we think about things, problem-solve, remember, imagine, learn and judge.

We know from the rapid growth and change during childhood that children think a lot.  As with all areas of development, cognitive development varies between individuals.  These differences occur due to a number of influences, including:

Therefore, the environment and activities you provide will influence the developmental progress of young people.

Website Check out this charts of cognitive development