1. Developmental Domains

2. Curriculum Framework

3. Physical Domain

4. Social/Emotional Domain

5. Cognitive Domain

6. Language Domain

7. Developmental Theories

8. Inclusivity

9. Summary

10. Glossary

Students of aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander background

All Australian state and territory educational authorities are committed to improving educational outcomes for indigenous students. This commitment includes working in partnership with indigenous communities to develop a wide range of options for education and training.

The following example is drawn from Queensland though there are similar actions or programs in other jurisdictions.


Partners for Success is the Department's key strategy targeting the education and employment outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Queensland. Through Partners for Success, Education Queensland is targeting the attendance, retention and achievement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, and building a culturally responsive workforce. For more information visit the Indigenous Education website.

The Bound for Success strategies for Cape York and Torres Strait present a way forward for working with and supporting communities in Cape York and Torres Strait to improve educational outcomes for their children and young people.