1. Developmental Domains

2. Curriculum Framework

3. Physical Domain

4. Social/Emotional Domain

5. Cognitive Domain

6. Language Domain

7. Developmental Theories

8. Implications



6. Language development

Language development is characterised by predictable patterns and by individual learning and rates of development.  All infants undergo a general pattern of language development regardless of the language they will eventually speak. 

Early on they rely on nonverbal cues but gradually, at their own pace, they start to express themselves verbally.

A language-rich environment is one where children are able to practise their skills through appropriate role modelling, repetition and support for experimentation.

If young students in your care are learning a second language they may often mix languages and need to spend time consolidating their understanding of both languages before they are able to switch readily between the two.

Delays in language development must be identified as early as possible so intervention and enrichment may be started as soon as possible.

Language terms

There are a range of key language terms to assist you to understand language development.

Stages of language development

The following information presents stages of language development across five chronological bands.

Explanation Infancy (Birth - 2 years)



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