1. Developmental Domains

2. Curriculum Framework

3. Physical Domain

4. Social/Emotional Domain

5. Cognitive Domain

6. Language Domain

7. Developmental Theories

8. Inclusivity

9. Summary

2. The Curriculum Framework

The structure of content and teaching approaches

In order to contribute to a student's education in all of the developmental domains, a knowledge of your school or centre’s policies and procedures are essential.  

Each sector within a state or territory jurisdiction may differ. 

It is important that you become familiar with what is relevant to your area of work.  

Finding your way around the relevant documents and sites is a skill you will need to acquire.  Each jurisdiction and sector may have ther own on-line resources that will assist you. Some examples are given below:

Website Education Queensland
Website Department of Education and Community Services

As an education support worker you will be required to search for and access a range of documents so that you can read and analyse how these impact on your daily work and responsibilities.

Access the curriculum framework that is used by your school or a school you may wish to work in. The document will be similar to this one

Website P-12 Curriculum Framework Policy

Activity 2.1

When working in a school, you may be involved in discussions with other staff members in relation to the curriculum or syllabus.  In a few paragraphs state what you think the difference is between ‘curriculum’ and ‘syllabus’.

Email your response to your teacher.

Find a curriculum policy statement from your education system or school. if you have difficulty with finding one, use one of the following four that form the P-12 Curriculum Framework Policy in Queensland:

1. Provide a curriculum to maximise the capacity of all students to:
• achieve the Essential Learnings and Standards...
• achieve Year 12 certification or a certificate III vocational qualification (or higher)
• exit from schooling with the capabilities and values to be active and responsible citizens.
2. Monitor and assess individual student achievement and evaluate it against statewide and national standards, regularly using collaborative processes to support teachers in making consistent judgments.
3. Implement statewide assessment and certification procedures, and administer nationally prescribed assessments.
4. Regularly report relevant information to parents on student achievement and learning.

Activity 2.2

From your selected policy statement, give an example of how this is implemented in your school/centre. Your response is to be approximately 100 words. Please email this to your teacher.