1. Developmental Domains

2. Curriculum Framework

3. Physical Domain

4. Social/Emotional Domain

5. Cognitive Domain

6. Language Domain

7. Developmental Theories

8. Inclusivity

9. Summary

Productive pedagogies

The term productive pedagogies is generally used to describe a conceptual framework under which teachers and education support workers can choose and develop strategies in relation to:

Teachers and education support workers can use these strategies to focus instruction, the learning process and enhance student outcomes. Some of these pedagogies are more suited for teaching certain knowledges and skills than others.
The strategies you use should always be selected after...

...considering and understanding the backgrounds and preferred learning styles of their students;

...identifying the repertoires of practice and operational fields to be targeted; and

...evaluating your own teaching/facilitating strategies and selecting and applying the ones that are most appropriate to your context.

Such pedagogies may be grouped into four categories:


Here is one way in which an education jurisdiction has promoted productive pedagogies as a way of meeting student needs.

Investigate these pedagogies and consider how these may impact on how you facilitate student's learning.


Activity 8.1

Investigate productive pedagogies to gain an understanding of what is involved in this area.

Using the four categories - Intellectual engagement, Supportive classroom environment, Recognition of difference and Connectedness - construct a document with the short explanation for each. Each category has a several sub-sections.  List these under the explanation.  Keep this document for reflection on your practices in the future.